Vague: not clearly defined, grasped, or understood

November 21, 2008

I'd kiss your thoughts if i could
with a hypothetical scenario
something like a "what if" type thing
you know..
like what if i weren't so young..
and if i was actually the one.
but its just a thought..
don't get me wrong.
laughter is indeed the best medicine
because when my heart feels brittle
your smile & knowing your laughin with me
at dumb things
is like the calming feel
of a warm temperature
gently placed on a cold body.
so hypothetically...
sometimes my heart is like winter..
and your smile makes seasons change like
hmm like its the sun.

i like "summertime".
its beautiful.


1 comment:

wishing. said...

yandres birthday!
&& this is my favorite =)